Monday, October 7, 2019

The World Is Our Mirror

Erin Profaci,

Have you noticed how when you're feeling good, the world seems to be a kinder, gentler place. The weather refreshes or impresses you, even if it's pouring rain. People around you seem friendlier, smile more often.

Our attention is affected by how we feel, what we think, our sense of ourselves. What are you reflecting out into the world? Are you a place of peace, compassion, welcome? Here's a simple practice that can assist you in reflecting those qualities out into the world. The practice comes from which has 50 suggestions. Here is the one I chose for today: Write a kind message on your mirror with a dry erase marker for yourself, your significant other or a family member.

It's such a simple practice -- and it makes a world of difference. Here's to kindness!

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